The Space Reclaimers

Decode your clutter

Decode Your Clutter

June 04, 20234 min read

Truth be told, there is a lot to unpack and grasp concerning the never-ending rise of clutter in people's homes. Some people think that getting rid of clutter can be done simply by just doing a basic home cleanup but in actuality, there is so much more than that. You'll start noticing that despite your best efforts, clutter always seems to come back. On that note, you should keep in mind that the starting point of having these clutter habits detached from your flow is by going to its ROOTS!

It is undoubtedly difficult to maintain a clutter-free home if we don't tackle the underlying reasons for the clutter's presence. Recognizing the causes gives us a place to start; from there, we devise a strategy and carry it out in manageable steps to make progress. On my podcast, I had a lovely talk about decoding clutter.

Here are some behaviors we engage in that lead to endless clutter in our homes and that we should stop doing:

● You feel like you’re the only one

This is a safe space! Sometimes we don't feel like admitting our dilemmas and asking for help because we are afraid of being judged by others. This attitude should be stopped as it isolates us and restricts us from getting the right help. Clutter piles up more and it becomes much more of a concern if not addressed. This Seek help, you are not alone!

● Sentimental attachments

Since this is a place free from judgment, it is safe to conclude that our difficulty with sentimental items comes directly from our attachment to them or our guilt over letting them go. Admitting and accepting your situation provides us with a place to start in order to create a plan that will work best for you.

● “I’ll do that tomorrow” mentality

Why wait until you have more time to do it now? Sometimes, we'd rather do something else than clean up our space. We resort to this unhealthy mentality which goes on and on and we lose control over our clutter. This eventually makes things become so overwhelming that we eventually stop wanting to deal with them.

● Brain fuzzies

Not knowing where to start is actually a big problem especially when you have a lot on your plate. Your brain gets fuzzy and filled out with all these things to do so you lose focus, get stressed, and become confused. So much time and productivity get wasted. We find it difficult to be organized and take baby steps because it feels as though fog is trying to block our motivation and vision. Our brains simply become overloaded, causing us to shut down and reach the point where we say, "I can't do this."

I outlined six (6) factors that represent the REASONs that help one in exploring the root causes of clutter.

REASONs Behind Clutter

1. Retail Therapy

This occurs when we are constantly compelled to spend a lot of money on things that we really don't need, which is quite impracticable. When attempting to maintain a minimal and clutter-free environment, we merely take pleasure in the feel-good aspect of getting a bargain. Retail therapy shouldn’t be the source of endorphins!

2. Emotions

We cling to things because we are simply emotionally invested in them. We feel terrible or guilty for letting physical possessions go. We'll be able to develop a better mindset once you figure out how to handle them. Learn to detach!

3. Assigned Time

Time management is key! Giving ourselves time to focus and start clearing and organizing our possessions is necessary for this. How many of us made a dedication to clearing and organizing our clutter? Do we dedicate and invest time in it? We could schedule it like an appointment and devote 15 minutes to it each day.

4. Sentimental

We hold onto things that keep memories. We try to keep the clutter because it keeps the connection of a certain memory. We struggle with sentimental items because it keeps us attached and we feel guilty about letting go.

5. Overwhelm

We may not be sure where to start if we have allowed the clutter to accumulate to the extreme where there are only never ending boxes of clutter in a spare room. This leads to getting us sidetracked and bringing us to square one of progress.

6. No can't say it

We must learn to refuse offers of someone's used possessions when they are dropped off to us. When you are given things, speak up and be politely honest that there you don’t have any space left for them

These facets mirror our behavior patterns and reasons for hoarding clutter. With the help of these, we can decode our clutter and devise solutions that will work for us. We can actually feel the weight lifting off of our shoulders once we figure out where our clutter is coming from. This allows us to think clearly and focus better. By decoding your clutter, we'd be able to effectively and consistently declutter without going back to zero.

Take charge, decode, declutter, and deal with it even if it is chaotic.

Did you know you have a unique reason for collecting clutter in your life?

Take my 2min quiz to find yours!

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Hi! I'm Louise Hopkin

So happy you are looking to start reclaiming your space!

I know your time is precious so I wanted to thank you for stopping by!

I created this blog to help you maximize your time, and flow in your home and to allow for creativity, productivity and abundance!

Come join my FREE Facebook group Clutter-free Cafe with Louise...

The group is for those who want to have the weight and anxiety of clutter lifted and crave organization and calm in their home and lives.

Check out my amazing resource

Complete Declutter & Cleaning Guide

This guide is not a one-size-fits-all approach to decluttering.

Instead, it's a guide that recognizes the individuality of your journey. It empowers you to declutter your life in a way that's not just practical but also deeply meaningful.

You don't need to conform to someone else's vision of minimalism; you can create your vision—one that reflects who you are and who you want to become.

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